Antacids Don’t Work? Have You Tried Remedies for Heartburn and Indigestion?

My antacids don’t work anymore? Have you asked yourself this before? Thousands of people will search the internet to get this question answered. In this article, I will tell you why your antacids no longer work and teach you about some remedies for heartburn and indigestion.

Antacids Not Working?

Antacids have been around for a long time. Do you remember the relief they first gave you when you first starting experiencing acid reflux? You probably do not but you may realize that your antacids have been becoming less and less effective over the past few years.

What you are dealing with is the cause or your Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) becoming worse and worse. Because GERD or acid reflux is caused by a damaged or weak esophagus and sphincter, it makes sense that you will need to treat this in order to cure the disease.

Unfortunately, antacids work by neutralizing the refluxed acid and aid with indigestion.

If you want to deal with reflux the rest of your life, continue to take antacids. If you want to permanently cure and prevent your reflux, you need to try remedies for heartburn. Remedies for heartburn and indigestion work by curing the weak sphincter and damaged esophagus.

Remedies for Heartburn and Indigestion

The sphincter is a muscle that is right above the stomach opening. It is responsible for allowing food in your stomach and keeping stomach acid in the stomach. A weak sphincter can cause indigestion.

Here are some quick remedies you should start trying today.

1. Eating softer foods for 2-3 days is very helpful for allowing the tissue to heal.

2. Avoid spicy foods and acidic foods and drinks. You should also avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages too. Avoid all of this will allow your tissue time to heal.

3. Stop smoking because the chemical in smoke can cause further damage.

4. Drinking water after every meal or snack can wash away debris that can scratch or further damage the tissue.

5. Sucking on 3 teaspoons of honey throughout the day can help with healing tissue. Honey has compounds which naturally heal damaged tissue.

6. Eating healthier is important because losing weight is also something that will decrease your chance of reflux attacks. Eating healthy and exercise are the 2 best ways to lose weight.

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Remedies for Heartburn

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing promise to teach you everything about curing heartburn and indigestion naturally. Learn more about their 100% guarantee that lasts up to 1 year.

Antacids Don’t Work?

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