Esophageal Reflux Treatment- Naturally Cure Heartburn and Reflux with Antacid Secrets

If you are suffering from chronic acid reflux, then a simple esophageal reflux treatment may be the answer to a permanent cure. Because you have tried the antacids and they work for a few hours and that’s it! Not to mention if you take the antacids for more than 2 weeks continuously… (read the label)

Unfortunately, antacid companies want you to think that antacids are the only treatment for heart burn or acid reflux. Don’t believe this lie! There are numerous natural treatments that have shown to be more effective than antacids… and a fraction of the price.

Why Natural Health Healed Me

Millions of people are now using natural health to health themselves and restore their health. Even medical clinics world-wide are using a few natural health secrets that have been researched and proven effective. But what’s the reason behind the switch from synthetic medications to simple natural remedies?

Side effects! Over the course of the last half century, medical practicing has changed dramatically. Fifteen years ago the majority of the population thought laboratory medication was the premium treatment for all ailments. Most people would take the doctor’s recommendation and buy the prescription. Prescription companies became a lucrative industry.

However, in the past decade things have changed! Natural health was no longer taboo and research has just started to show that some century-old natural health remedies are surprisingly effective. As doctors begin to know more about the body and what causes each ailment, they are now looking to various diet plans and remedies to correct the problem.

In the case of an esophageal reflux treatment, you can permanently cure reflux by restoring the esophagus and sphincter. The esophagus is the tube that carries the food to the stomach and the sphincter is the muscle flap that keeps food and gas in the stomach. The problem is that both the esophagus and sphincter are damaged from your reflux problem.

Here are some antacid secrets that will naturally cure heartburn and reflux.

4 Tips to Cure Reflux

1. Journal- You need to know how your body reacts to various foods. You should buy a journal and document the foods you eat and when the reflux problem appears. You should see a correlation in a couple weeks. Also, you should avoid crunchy and hard foods because they can scratch your esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

2. Water- Water is usually a treatment in most natural health remedies. In the case of acid reflux, water can keep your body functioning at high levels. Cell reproduction can increase and cell tissue building can increase. In other words, water can restore the esophagus and sphincter to original condition. It can also keep the sphincter flap clean and not allow gas and acid to be refluxed up into the esophagus.

3. Honey! – When is the last time you tried honey? Honey has been found in pyramids dating thousands of years ago and many believe that ancient civilizations used honey as a natural remedy. It has been shown that honey can aid in the regrowth of cell tissue. Take one teaspoon of honey during a reflux to coat the esophagus and sphincter.

4. Acidic and Basic- Antacid companies have made billions of dollars on knowing how acids and bases react with each other. Your stomach acid is acidic and antacids are neutralizing agents (bases). If you educate yourself on food properties, you can discover simple natural antacids that cost pennies. Our Reflux Remedy Report details how you can neutralize your acid in minutes.

Cure Reflux in Hours…Guaranteed!

Please visit my Esophageal Reflux Treatment website now, on there you will find a one minute interview with Dr. Scott Saunders who shares with you one simple remedy you can use tonight!

These 4 remedies are a great start for your reflux treatment, but this is only the beginning! If you are serious about finding a permanent cure and never having to buy an antacids again, please check out our Acid Reflux Remedy Report. This remedy is step by step and is guaranteed to work. Be part of the thousands who will naturally treat their reflux naturally!

You are clicks away from discovering a cure you can try tonight! With 22 years of natural health experience, Joe Barton and Barton Publishing offer the only guaranteed Esophageal Reflux Treatment.

Esophageal Reflux Treatment

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